The word of mouth is not the end of the bread up! Finally, the risk of damage to the mold. The remaining approximately 60 days until the bread is so sterile that apply to the use of new technology development.
In this manner, even raw - fresh mansakeo can not be saved. Texas Tech University in collaboration with researchers in the বেসরকারিপ্রতিষ্ঠান maikrojepa this new technology. The bread can be kept fresh and mansake without any sanraksakadrabya.
The researchers say the U.S. More than 48 million people become ill due to contaminated food intake. So this research has been to reduce the risk of disease khadyabahita. However, they are still waiting for the approval of the patent. The use of microwave technology has been woven. National khabarake pasturaijesana way through the bread to preserve the low-temperature microwave woven hot khadyake at least 10 days to keep them from moldy. Myathisilina food - to the স্ট্যাফাইলোকক্কাস ariyasa (emaaraesae) bacteria, the bacteria destroy the egg selamonela and lisateriya this test is run. The researchers jibanumuktakarana way through the microwave in 10 seconds stoloniphara mushroom bread rijopasa test run to stop the attacks. The sanraksanadrabya it has not been used. In many cases it has been able to keep khadyadrabyake 60 days until the research is sterile.
Don stala maikrojedera chief executive officer, said, 'We have found the bread tukaroke test. It is almost free from moldy may have up to 60 days. '
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